The dream, a communication phase during sleep?

The dream, a communication phase during sleep?

11/03/2021 News Patient news

The dream, a communication phase during sleep?

When you wake up in the morning, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to remember your dreams, that mysterious phase of sleep. However, according to recent studies by several research teams, it is possible to communicate and exchange during dreams...

Everything you need to know about oversleeping!

Everything you need to know about oversleeping!

31/07/2020 News Patient news

Everything you need to know about oversleeping!

Sleep is one of the pillars of health, yet it is very often neglected or abused on a daily basis. Just like sleep deprivation too much sleep can also have important consequences on health. Consequences compiled here by Santé Sur le Net.

Flu vaccine and risk of narcolepsy?

Flu vaccine and risk of narcolepsy?

25/06/2020 News Patient news

Flu vaccine and risk of narcolepsy?

The massive vaccination of the European population during the 2009-2010 winter influenza pandemic highlighted an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adults. While this risk must be taken into account in the evaluation of influenza vaccines, vaccination remains the best protection against influenza, especially for frail people...

Hypersomnolence in an elderly person should raise the alarm!

Hypersomnolence in an elderly person should raise the alarm!

17/04/2020 News Patient news

Hypersomnolence in an elderly person should raise the alarm!

Hypersomnias are mostly rare conditions, affecting adolescents and young adults. When hypersomnolence affects an elderly person who used to sleep normally, vigilance is required. Indeed, according to a recent study, this excess of sleep could be indicative of the development of certain chronic pathologies. Explanations

Solriamfetol soon available for narcolepsy?

Solriamfetol soon available for narcolepsy?

06/01/2020 News Patient news

Solriamfetol soon available for narcolepsy?

It is difficult to obtain precise statistics on the prevalence of narcolepsy in France, as the disease is widely under-diagnosed. For patients, a new hope is emerging with the upcoming arrival of a new drug, solriamfetol. Explanations.